Publication design


    Project Name: Emerging Issues


    Client: McCullough Robertson Lawyers


    Skills: Layout and design, Adobe InDesign

Brief: Create a magazine from supplied copy and source images from stock photography.

Solution: Built in InDesign this 50 page report was a quick turnaround, created in four days from brief to approval. Stock images and internal assets used through out.

Event materials


    Project Name: Women on the Move

  • Client: Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

  • Skills: Concept design, graphic design, Adobe InDesign

Brief: Create a theme and branding artifacts to engage participants for a female focused conference.

Solution: I selected a local Brisbane artist – Sarah Hickey who’s art is female focused. I then made monthly calendared cards with note opportunities on the back as well as a display case so the cards could live on and be used after the conference.

Poster designs


    Project Name: Drinks menu

  • Client: McCullough Robertson Lawyer

  • Skills: Graphic design, layout design, Adobe InDesign

Brief: Make me something pretty that communicates this Word file.

Solution: I enjoy simplicity and the challenge of pushing a brand beyond the style guide.

Publication design


    Project Name: OneTalk


    Client: British American Tobacco (BAT)


    Skills: Concept design, graphic design, magazine layout, Adobe InDesign

Brief: Create a magazine for staff and suppliers in conjunction with internally supplied content.

Solution: This 24 page bi-monthly newsletter (5 editions) featured the application of new branding guidelines and the establishment a style guide so that ongoing issues could be built internally.

Collateral design


    Project Name: Always 1 Step Ahead


    Client: British American Tobacco (BAT)


    Skills: Graphic design, logo design, Adobe InDesign

Brief: Create conference collateral based on brand guidelines. 

Solution: This corporate conference required the application of branding to a wide range of elements including; hats, bags, uniforms, wine bottles, work books, pens and many other items including a wine label. The most interesting part of this project was the design and 3D visualisation of an award sculpture, which looked amazing when it was created.



    Project Name: Various posters for internal communication


    Client: Massetti’s Vejuicera


    Skills: Graphic design, layout design, Adobe InDesign

Brief: ‘Make my menu board suit my personality’ Paul Massetti

Solution: My local juicer in the middle of Kings Cross needed menu design to suit his Italian decor. My first freelance job back in the day – paid for in carrot juice!